Target Users



Academic users will be early adopters. While many will have an interest in QCL Frequency Combs as tools, some will also be interested in the product simply as a newly available scientific curiosity and are more likely to test properties of the available samples rather than target a specific application. 

Academic institutions are likely to be interested in low volume applications, often a single device. While budget may be an issue, typically a lower cost will not generate higher volumes.


Private Companies

Private industries are more likely to require a product with tight specification and in high volume for a very specific purpose. While it may be possible to fit certain needs with off-the-shelf products we expect past the prototype phase a dedicated product is likely to be required for most needs.


The fledgling QCL combs market is rapidly growing due to recent technological breakthroughs which have dramatically reduced their manufacturing costs.

Presently, the main commercial application of frequency combs is for rapid gas analysis using dual-comb spectroscopy. There are several other markets which frequency combs are poised to disrupt, a key one being next generation communications networks (6G/7G).